Celia Toche, Director |
Godly Play

The Godly Play Curriculum is offered each Sunday during the 10 o’clock service for preschool children and school age children up to fifth grade during the academic school year. There are 10 trained Godly Play volunteer teachers that staff our two Godly Play Worship Centers with children's groups according to age. Preschoolers, kindergarteners and 1st graders are in one room, and, the second room is dedicated to 2nd 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. Church school begins at 9:45 and children are dismissed in time to join their family and/or friends upstairs for the Eucharist.
In our Godly Play Worship Centers children have an opportunity to be with God, to talk to God, to listen to God, to wonder about God and, to hear stories of God. The children are surrounded by stories of Christian tradition; sacred stories from the Old and New Testaments, stories that Christ has given to all of us in the parables and stories about the liturgical cycle. To learn more about Godly Play at Trinity one can refer to the Godly Play Parent Information Sheet.
Godly Play Worship Center
If you would like more information about Godly Play at Trinity Church please contact the church office. For more information about the Godly Play Curriculum visit their website at www.godlyplay.com.