Pastoral Care

A Virtual Prayer Community | Pastoral Care | Bonding People-to-People
The members assist the Rector in the spiritual growth of parishioners and pastoral care of church members.
The daily spiritual discipline of prayer, pastoral care for those in need and programs to promote spiritual awareness helps bond people to people and to their faith.
The Power of a Virtual Prayer Community
Prayer does not know the dimensions of time and space. It is the function of an intention, a vision of health and peace, held with love. Whenever two or three are gathered together in prayer, even though they might be on opposite sides of the globe, God is in the midst of them, healing and reconciling. Take some quiet time in the day and pray for the church, for the world and for those in need, as well as give thanks and gratitude for every blessing. Parishioners receive weekly blast emails inviting them to pray for the world, each other and for other groups who are in need of prayer.
Trinity’s prayer connection meets the needs for emergency prayer through the prayer line, a phone contact for emergencies. Please call the church office to be connected to the prayer chain. 203-488-2681.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is faithful, constant and quiet work, lovingly given, not always seen, not always known. It takes a caring heart, patience, spiritual strength and wisdom. Sometimes there’s a crisis that clergy respond to, like an unexpected hospitalization or death. Other times the need is remembering the frail in nursing homes, or unwell homebound, as well as those who are recovering from surgery and child birth.
Bonding People-to-People and To Their Faith
Cards of condolence, support and congratulations are sent to parishioners.
A Plan and Prepare program discusses end-of-life issues that include the value of funeral planning, advance directives and hospice care.
Members of the Spirituality Ministry team up with Trinity parents who have college kids, to make a care package from Trinity for each student. The idea is simply to reach out, stay in touch and let each student know they are remembered by their church community.