Frequently Asked Questions

Who are Episcopalians?
For complete information about the Episcopal Church click here.
When should I call a Priest?
Please call a member of clergy:
- If you or a loved one are in the hospital, or sick at home and wish to receive a pastoral visit.
- If you are in need of prayer or spiritual guidance.
- If you wish to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
- If you desire private Confession.
- If you want to talk about planning a Baptism or Wedding.
- At the time of a death.
How can I get involved?
We are excited to have newcomers become active participants whenever they are ready to do so. As you look through our ministries page and see a committee or activity that interests you, either email or call (203) 488-2681. Let us know about your interest and a parishioner will contact you with further information.
Most activities and tasks are learn as you go and we welcome new faces and new ideas. We hope to hear from you and hope you become an active participant at Trinity.