Sandra Baldwin, Chair
Worship Life

Liturgy | Seasonal Services | Music
Anglican worship follows an ancient pattern that allows for much variety. It engages all of our senses and asks us to be active participants, not a passive audience. Worship is an enacted metaphor that describes our relationship to God and with each other. What we do in worship has meaning beyond the words and gestures. That we have our worship in such a lovely setting is a blessing. We come together to share our wonder, our hopes, and offer up our wounds to be healed, so that we may re-enter the world prepared for the work God has given us to do.
We are grateful to those members who express their praise and give thanks through participation, such as singing in the choir, playing music, reading Lessons or greeting and ushering.
Sharing worship with our children and youth allows them to witness the strength of a faith community and grow with those values. Children are encouraged to receive communion and know that they, too, are members of the Body of Christ and belong in the church.
The Book of Common Prayer is a treasured resource for Episcopalians. We rely on it for Sunday worship, family and individual daily prayer, weddings, funerals, and other important events. For our scripture readings, we follow the Revised Episcopal Lectionary.
Regular Sunday Worship
Our 8:00 am and 10:00 am services are traditional Holy Eucharist Rite II that use modern language and include a sermon. There is a distinctive feel to each service, satisfying differing preferences. As the church seasons change, we change both the Eucharistic form and the form for the Prayers of the People.
- 8:00 am
At this service there is no singing, but we do have organ music.
- 10:00 am
The choir helps lead the singing of the hymns, and frequently sings a glorious and moving anthem. Sometimes hand chimes, violin, trumpet, and oboe add to the uplifting musical praises. This service is livestreamed to Trinity's YouTube channel.
- 7:00 pm
Trinity's 10:00 am Worship Service is televised on Branford Cable Access Channel 18 and AT&T channel 99.
Worship services: sermons and musical programs may be found on Trinity's YouTube channel
All are invited to participate in personal prayers at the baptismal font during Communion.
Usually the flower arrangements on the altar and on the Children's Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of family and loved ones. To make this request, email or telephone the office.
We consider it a privilege to have you worship with us and sincerely hope that you find God's presence and grace from the service.