Trinity Branford
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8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rite II
with music and choir
9:45 am
Sunday School and
Nursery Care

Trinity’s 10 am Worship Service is televised on Branford Cable Access Channel 18 and AT&T Channel 99 each Sunday at 7 pm.

Everyone is invited.

An Invitation


Many people are seeking the connection that will help them discover deeper meaning and purpose. For those who identify themselves as "spiritual but not religious", whether they have left a tradition or never had one, an indefinable hunger for something more may be the beginning of a new journey. At Trinity we start with the knowledge that we are all spiritual beings, having a human experience and that together we may journey into the world that Jesus came to reveal. We do not stifle such an experience with black and white assumptions or rules. We trust the Spirit that nudges us in new directions.

If you have had the opportunity to look around on this website, you will have seen the many wonderful things that this congregation believes in, hopes for, and accomplishes. But words and images on a website cannot tell you what it feels like here or what you might experience. Only coming through the red doors and spending some time with us will do that and so we invite you.

We invite you so that we may be a blessing to you. And we know that in so doing, we will also be blessed. We do not promise easy answers. Instead we commit to being joyful companions on the journey.

Worship at Trinity

Can I receive communion in this church?

Yes! We process up to the altar and either stand or kneel where we are offered consecrated bread and wine. You may choose either or both. If you choose not to receive the bread you will be offered a blessing. Those unable to walk to the altar should notify an usher and the sacraments will be brought to you.

We are pleased to offer gluten-free wafers for people with such dietary sensitivities. Please make the request when you take communion.

Will my children be welcome?

KidsYes! At Trinity church we view children as a gift from God andbelieve that it is vitally important that they be fully included in church life. Year round we offer nursery care at the 10:00am service for children birth to three years old. The nursery is staffed with experienced child care providers.  From September until June we provide Sunday school for children ages three to fourteen from 9:45am-10:45am. The children in church school come into the church to take communion or receive a blessing with their families. There are Holy Eucharist children's books, specifically with Trinity culture, on the book case in the back of the church for youth who want to follow along with the service. Activity bags for younger children can be found under the Children's Altar at the front right hand pews. During the summer months, we offer Class On The Grass for children between 3 - 11 years of age.

There is a senior high youth group that meets after church periodically for fun, fellowship, food and spiritual growth, as well as activities and fundraising for youth work camps and community service.

Trinity complies with safe church practices through background checks of all adults who volunteer to assist in any of our programs for children.

What do I wear?

On Sunday morning you are likely to see people wearing all types of clothing from jeans to a suit and tie and everything in between. Just be yourself.

Where can I park?

There are parking spaces just outside the church, all around the town green, down Montowese Street, or on the corner of Route146.


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