Community Engagement

Branford | Regional | And Beyond
Members of the Outreach Ministry are the stewards of the funds designated to help those in need inside and outside of our parish. Members research projects in need of our support and presence. Every cake that’s made for a bake sale, every donation by every parishioner, and every fellowship supper, helps hungry children, isolated adults, and families in crises in Branford, New Haven, Montana and more. Those in need know our love; and we know more of God’s love.
The people of Trinity give continuously, whenever a need is lifted up, including:
In Branford
Remembering others when we grocery shop. Baskets in the back of the church collect weekly contributions of non-perishable food, which are regularly transported to the Branford Food Pantry. Canned goods collected over the summer are either laid out in a labyrinth on the Green, or loaded into the Branford Food Pantry van, ready to stock the Pantry shelves.
Supporting Trinity's Closet (which serves clients of Branford social services agencies), with household items such as linens, pillows, blankets, winter coats, basic kitchen items, and personal care items like toothpaste, shampoo, and soap, goes to community neighbors in need, who shop for free in April and October.
Making baked goods for sale at the Branford Festival and the Annual Trinity Fair.
Thanksgiving dinners for families in Branford (and enough for Christmas, too!), are collected. In November, the Thanksgiving Turkey Drive, which has become a project of several churches, provides over 250 Thanksgiving meals. We are grateful to our partner Big Y.
Buying Christmas presents for children of local families who would not otherwise be able to afford them.
Every Saturday morning, The Loaves & Fishes Ministry at St. Paul & St. James Episcopal Church, New Haven, offers hospitality and a Food Pantry to between 150-250 working poor and unemployed families in New Haven. Trinity has contributed groceries, and volunteers to help, for many years.
Trinity has the longest, continually serving dinner team at Columbus House, a New Haven shelter. The regular meal of beef stew over noodles, with salad and dessert, is a favorite of the residents. The food is contributed by Trinity members, and the Trinity team cooks and serves to at least 80 families every month. |
And Beyond
Helping Crow children soar at The Center Pole in Montana. In addition to health problems, such as obesity, high blood pressure and poor nutrition, there’s an extremely high rate of unemployment among the men, abuse of alcohol and drugs, and a multitude of social and criminal problems. Learn more about the Crow children, how we help, and how you can help too. |