Creation Care

Welcome from the Trinity Environment Team!

In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth….and God saw that it was good!
We Christians believe that God asked the human race to take care of Earth, honor it and when necessary, help it to heal. To do so well requires understanding, understanding that everything is connected. What happens to the Amazon affects the whole world, how we live in Branford affects the Long Island Sound, all of Connecticut, the northeastern US, and beyond. Our simplest habits affect the health of the earth and thus our future.
Trinity has several initiatives that are moving forward as you can see in the attached pdf. Both high and low impact changes can be made, which together will make a difference. The idea is to start.
Trinity Church’s Environmental Team now invites you into a campaign of thoughtful stewardship of the earth, our island home. Together we can make a difference through better choices. And we can encourage one another along the way.
How it works:
We hope you will enjoy tackling the Challenges designed to help us all make better choices for our planet home.
Aim to complete the current Challenge within a month and come back to find a new Challenge at the beginning of next month. It’s fine to join the process at any time. You can always find links to previous Challenges on this Earth Keepers Home Page.
When you have completed a Challenge, let us hear from you about what you have discovered; send pictures or a short video or an email with your experience to Unless you ask us not to, we will celebrate your good work in the church newsletter, “Trinity in Touch.”
And here’s the fun part - You can win a prize in any of the steps. Check back every month to see who won and why. Each months’ winner will be announced in Trinity in Touch and during announcements in Sunday service. If you are present, collect your prize. If not, we will make arrangements.
Challenge #3 - The Sustainable Table
Step 1. The Sustainable Table Challenge (click here for the pdf)
- Create self-awareness.
- Decide where you want to start.
- Need ideas? Go to Step 2.
Step 2. Resources for The Sustainable Table Challenge (click here for the pdf)
- Some practical, real suggestions are on this list.
- Start with your highest use products.
- Want to see how much progress you make over time? Go to Step 3.
Step 3. Earth Keepers Progress Report. (click this link)
- Check off what you already do. Or, if you have made changes not on the list, add your own. Create your baseline.
- Don’t worry if you can’t check much. You are starting now!
- As you make changes and increase recycling, update your progress.
Challenge #2 - Recycling to the Max!
This challenge is designed to help increase your awareness of your recycling habits and challenging us all to “up our game!”
Some things to know…
- There is no landfill in Branford. All of our trash is shipped to a processing plant and burned.
- Food waste accounts for 22% of Branford’s trash
- Recycling earns revenue for Branford from materials sold to various markets. The more you recycle, the more our community benefits.
Step 1. Recycling to the Max! Challenge (click here for the pdf)
- Create self-awareness.
- Decide where you want to start.
- Need ideas? Go to Step 2.
Step 2. Resources for Recycling to the Max! (click here for the pdf)
- Some practical, real suggestions are on this list.
- Start with your highest use products.
- Want to see how much progress you make over time? Go to Step 3.
Step 3. Earth Keepers Progress Report. (click this link)
- Check off what you already do. Or, if you have made changes not on the list, add your own. Create your baseline.
- Don’t worry if you can’t check much. You are starting now!
- As you make changes and increase recycling, update your progress.
Challenge #1 - Plastics Challenge
This challenge is designed to help increase our awareness of plastics in our daily life. Logs are provided in Steps 1 and 3, so have fun with your family or just educate yourself on how to help our planet by reducing the impact of the plastic products we use and the waste we generate. When you complete the log in Step 3, you will be able to see our collective progress.
Step 1. Take the Plastics Challenge. (click here for the pdf)
- Create self-awareness.
- Decide where you want to start.
- Need ideas? Go to Step 2.
Step 2. Alternatives to Plastic. (click here for the pdf)
- Some practical, real suggestions are on this list, including where to buy.
- Start with your highest use products.
- Want to see how much progress you make over time? Go to Step 3.
Step 3. Earth Keepers Progress Report. (click this link)
- Check off what you already do. Or, if you have made changes not on the list, add your own. Create your baseline.
- Don’t worry if you can’t check much. You are starting now!
- As you make changes and reduce plastic, update your progress.
[For all Earth Keepers Challenges, see the Archives here.}