Parish Life

There's always something going on at Trinity! Something traditional. Something new. We come together to celebrate or enjoy new and old friends, or to share a common interest. We extend our invitation to the community to join in and make things more fun!
Annual Events
Branford Festival (June)
Check out our home-baked cookies, cakes and pies. Trinity is famous for its fabulous baking! Eat a cookie or two while you walk around, and don't forget to take something home. All proceeds from baked goods go to the Outreach Ministry, which benefits those in the most need.
Trinity Fair (September)
Trinity Fair is our most important fundraiser of the year. The Fair is over 100 years old, in one form or another. We are on the Green with the Blackstone Library Book Sale. Colorful marquis tents, designate what’s for sale, what’s for fun, and what’s to eat. Fortunately, Trinity has members who love to cook and bake! The Food Tent eating starts early as volunteers serve our famous blueberry pancakes breakfast. If you love good quality treasures at a bargain, the Tag Sale tent is a must-see.
You will find us in good company with other non-profit organizations who help improve the quality of life for our neighbors. You are invited to learn about their work and ways you can participate.
All donations to the Fair are most gratefully received, but your presence is the real gift. At the Fair, there’s such energy in the air, smiles on every face, and fellowship among all the volunteers. It’s contagious! We hope to see you, and thank you for your support.
Tree Lighting Night (November)
The Town Green is crowded on the Saturday following Thanksgiving with eager citizens waiting for the arrival of a parade. The high point is Santa lighting the Town Christmas tree. It can be really chilly while everyone waits, so Trinity opens the red doors for those who would like to come inside and warm up with free hot chocolate and cookies. And a concert by The Branford Town Band can be heard in the church.
Fellowship & Hospitality
Hospitality is something members of Trinity really enjoy offering to each other and to strangers. We take every opportunity to affirm that it is Our Mission that All May Know Themselves Beloved. Church visitors are welcome to join us (at any time!) but on the First Sunday of the month we enjoy a delicious breakfast and the company of members. Please be our guest.
Coffee Hour
The Parish Hall is a bustling place after the 10:00 AM service. Coffee hour is a tradition at Trinity. Parents connect while the children have their own snacks and paper-covered tables on which to draw. Newcomers and long-time parishioners make new friends.
First Sunday Breakfast
Breakfast between the services, on the first Sunday of the month from October to June, gives social time and a connection between those who worship at different services. Breakfast helpers serve between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.
Book Group
Members meet monthly October to June, to share book interests and stimulating conversation about the current selection. Non-members are welcome to join in. Contact