In general, church organization structure follows church size. Trinity is a program-style church, meaning the laity is empowered to run and manage church programs, with the support and guidance of the rector. At Trinity, there are ten defined Ministries, most with many programs. Each ministry has a Chair; collectively, the Chairs form the Council of Ministries. The Ministries are responsible for their own programs, with accountability for budget management, nurture of volunteers and new ideas. This ministry structure empowers the laity, and protects the rector from burnout. The Council of Ministries comprises one half of the parish leadership, complementing the Vestry (elected members of the congregation), which serves as the fiduciary and the visionary leadership body—asking the big questions of vision, mission.
The ten Ministries are:
Worship Ministry
Outreach Ministry
Spiritual Education Ministry
Pastoral Care Ministry
Stewardship Ministry
Parish Life Ministry
Buildings & Grounds Ministry