Earth Keepers Challenges (Archive)

Challenge #1 - Plastics Challenge
This challenge is designed to help increase our awareness of plastics in our daily life. Logs are provided in Steps 1 and 3, so have fun with your family or just educate yourself on how to help our planet by reducing the impact of the plastic products we use and the waste we generate. When you complete the log in Step 3, you will be able to see our collective progress.
And here’s the fun part - You can win a prize in any of the steps. Check back every month to see who won and why. Each months’ winner will be announced in Trinity in Touch and during announcements in Sunday service. If you are present, collect your prize. If not, we will make arrangements.
Step 1. Take the Plastics Challenge. (click here for the pdf)
- Create self-awareness.
- Decide where you want to start.
- Need ideas? Go to Step 2.
Step 2. Alternatives to Plastic. (click here for the pdf)
- Some practical, real suggestions are on this list, including where to buy.
- Start with your highest use products.
- Want to see how much progress you make over time? Go to Step 3.
Step 3. Earth Keepers Progress Report. (click this link)
- Check off what you already do. Or, if you have made changes not on the list, add your own. Create your baseline.
- Don’t worry if you can’t check much. You are starting now!
- As you make changes and reduce plastic, update your progress.