Seasonal Services

Season of Advent | The Christmas Season and Epiphany | Lent and Easter| Season After Pentecost | Ordinary Time | Worship
The liturgical year, also known as the Christian year, determines when special days, including celebrations of saints, are to be observed, and which portions of Scripture are to be read.
The liturgical year is divided into a few seasons, each of which contain holidays celebrating events in Jesus’ time on earth. Periods of time that don’t contain special holidays are known as Ordinary time. Every season is an opportunity to tell the story of God's redemptive work in the world. Purposeful observance of the Christian seasons and festivals can become an important tool for Christian education and a vehicle for spiritual growth and vitality.
The colors express emotions and ideas that are associated with each of the seasons. It’s easy to track the seasons through the visual clues of the altar and pulpit hangings and clergy vestments. Trinity looks beautiful in every color, every season.
The liturgical year begins with Advent. Your journey with God can begin at any time.
Summary of Liturgy describes each season of the church year by theme, color, type of procession, service music, Prayers of the People, and Eucharistic Prayer.