Music Ministry

Worship | Seasonal Services
Trinity Church Choir
Trinity has an active music program that is centered in our worship services. Under the leadership of Ron Baldwin, a varied selection of hymns and service music from the Hymnal 1982 and Wonder, Love and Praise enrich our worship service. Organ, piano, violin, and oboe are regularly used to accompany congregational singing. Christmas and Easter music often includes brass.
Trinity’s choir is a chorus of mixed voices that provides musical leadership and support for the congregation’s singing of hymns, psalm settings, and service music at the 10:00 am Eucharist on Sundays, holidays and other occasional special services. The choir leads in the singing of the Psalm and offers an anthem to enrich our worship.
The Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 9:15 am. Requirements for choir membership are the ability to sing on pitch and a responsible and positive effort to attend rehearsals and services regularly. If you would like to discuss joining the Choir, contact Ron Baldwin.
A History and Description of the Organs of Trinity
Visitors and regulars at Trinity unfailingly mention the music program as one of its most impactful strengths. Music at Trinity has been a mainstay from before the construction of our present building in 1852 to today, when the unprecedentedly-large choir whispers and roars its way through Sunday and holiday services. It is supported, of course, by the longest-serving member of our music ministry: the Trinity organ. To read the entire History, click on the image at the right.